First Week of RETIREMENT - Sunday - February 19, 2012

04 - Button Happy Retirement

Nancy here:

Well, I thought it was time to let everyone know that we are doing great.  I’ve been retired one week today!!  Bill and I are still friends and getting things ready to make our dreams come true!!

Bill’s back is improving, but he is still being very careful.  We have started walking again, but at a more ‘Retired’ pace.  That will change in a couple more weeks, he isn’t going to get away with acting retired;o))

Speaking of acting retired…  One view I had of retired people is they seem to spend a great deal of their time at the doctor’s offices.  One reason we workout daily and eat healthy is to avoid that activity -- Doctor’s visits.  Well, what in the world did I do the first three days I was retired???

Day one, annual physical…

Day two, lab work…

Day three, eye doctor checkup… 

Guess I really am retired ;o)))  Good news is  everything checked out OK and I am good to go for another year…WOO HOO!!!

02 - Button Aged to Perfection 

The rest of this first week was spent making and moving piles.  This coming weekend, we will take the bulk of the remaining furniture to our daughter in Raleigh.  When we get back, we will be basically camping in our own home.  House is getting VERY empty :o))))

The motorhome is still on schedule for a March delivery.  Bill was told to call on the 21st to get a more firm date.  So, it is all falling into place.  We are doing great and just so excited!! 

Thanks to everyone for all the good wishes!!!!
01 - Button Happy Retirement

Can’t wait to see everyone

“Down The Road!!”

03 - Button Let the Games Begin



  1. Congrats on your retirement. And Lazy Days is a great place to by an RV.

  2. I knew you'd love retirement :)

    Sounds like you're well on your way. Did you save an air mattress so you can sleep in comfort while you're camping in your house??

    So looking forward to meeting you on the road!

  3. Congrats on one week retired! I can't wait to spend time with you two in November. What a fun time.

    1. We knew you'd get the hang of it! By the time your new Journey arrives you'll really appreciate all the features after camping out in your (their) house.

      Looking forward to seeing you on the road. :c)

  4. Congrats!! You'll be on the road before you know it!

  5. During my first week of retirement, I had a colonoscopy. :-) No one else knows how to celebrate like I do!

  6. SO glad there is no more home depot for you. I see that your comments are coming during more daylight hours rather than the middle of the night (4am) so that's something. :-) I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't LOVE retirement. It's the way life SHOULD be. David is now regretting he didn't start this much much sooner. Congrats on everything falling into place. With you two I knew it would.

  7. Happy Days are here again! Happy Retirement...slow down and enjoy..

  8. We cannot wait to be amongst your ranks. George loves it...won't be much longer for me!

  9. Yeah for you both! Can't wait to see you again "down the road"!

  10. Congrats.

    We're still in the "getting rid of stuff" phase. Sold a set of 18 1898 Kipling books today. They were my grandfather's. The collector was very happy to get them and I was glad they went to a good home. Thank goodness for Craigslist!!!

  11. Congratulations on your retirement ... time to have a ball ... now that the doctor's visits are out of the way :-)))

  12. Congrats. As happy as you are, it only gets better..

  13. Congrats on getting thru the first week of retirement:)

  14. CONGRATULATIONS on your retirement!!! YAY!
    Let us know if you decide to head west...would love to connect with you!
    Take care of that back, Bill.
    All the very very best,
    Dianne and Steve

  15. You guys are so inspiring. You are showing us all how it's done!

    Bruce and Laura

  16. Here is to enjoying many years on the road.
